Fr. Kevin’s Reflections on the Listening Sessions: Part 4 of 4

February 19, 2023 – My Reflections on the Listening Sessions: Part 4 of 4

Forming Habits and Demands on Time

My final thought on the “Listening Sessions:”

In speaking to some of our younger families who haven’t been coming as frequently or consistently, I had some realizations.

First of all, the ones I’ve talked to seem to, at least, value the Church and even express what seems to be a sincere desire to come to Church more than they do.

Why don’t they come?

The impression that I get is two main factors:

First, going to Mass regularly is a habit that, for some of them, just needs to be rebuilt.

Second, the demands on time: some families seem to feel overwhelmed with their time demands between kids’ sports and music activities, both through the school and through independent clubs, on top of people’s own work schedules. And something’s got to give! And sometimes that is involvement in Church, both on Sunday Mass and Wednesday Faith Formation. And not that they don’t value their Catholic Faith; but it seems more of a sense that “Church will always be there,” … whereas involvement in these sports activities is only a limited time in the kids’ life.

So, the impression that I have is that many who don’t come (among our parishioners), it has very little to do with thoughts on Church’s doctrine or practice, and a lot more to do with demands on time and building the habit. However, I’m sure there are at least some who don’t come because they don’t agree with the Church’s doctrine and/or practice … but that seems to be more the minority rather than the majority.

Of course, I think the adolescent years are a formative time in families’ lives when the habit of Church and faith formation is needed most. Yet, I understand the struggle of high demand on time and energy when those are also limited. I understand the struggle of building good habits – if you’ve ever struggled to get back into the habit of diet or exercise, or quit a bad habit, you know it may be easy to say you will do it, but hard to do.

Thus, in following up these listening sessions, I think that that is an important factor to keep in mind.

So, what do we do about it?

I’m not sure. But I do know there is a value in us as faithful members of the Church to continue to be present to people, to be in relationship with them and a steady part of their lives. Even going with them and being present with them in the things they are at (sports activities, etc.). And in doing so, by our presence, our example, and our words, to invite and encourage them to faith without nagging and pestering.


– Fr. Kevin

PS: A reminder that LENT starts this week. This Wednesday Feb. 22 is ASH WEDNESDAY.