Passion Week, or Holy Week

I’m very much looking forward to this Holy Week. The Sacred “Triduum” (The Liturgy including Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil), is my favorite moments of the year. Because it is a time filled and rich with symbols, and tangible experiences that draw us into this climactic work of Christ and the Mystery of God: The washing of the feet, the procession with the Eucharist, the stripping of the altar, the solemn intercessions, the veneration of the cross; and then my favorite moment: the Liturgy of light at Easter Vigil; the tangible experience of Christ’s light breaking into darkness, when the Paschal Candle enters the totally dark church, and we all draw our light from Christ’s Light.

That being said, due to COVID (the most annoying of phrases), we will be having a bit of a modified experience of some of these things. For example, for Holy Thursday, the foot washing will be omitted. For Good Friday, while you will still be invited to come forward to venerate the cross, it will be a “no contact” veneration: You can bow, or genuflect, or kneel, or spend a few moments of silent prayer but we ask people not to touch or kiss the cross as in past years.

But regardless, even with the modifications, I am extra looking forward to this Holy Week, as last year Holy Week was a very strange experience not being physically gathered with you all. Because there is something very powerful and meaningful for us to gather as Church, as the physically gathered Mystical Body of Christ to celebrate and be drawn into the climax of the liturgical year, in the profound experience of the Paschal Mystery. Make sure to take time to make this a prayerful Holy Week, to step back from the busyness of life, and try to enter fully into the beautiful Mystery of this week.

My prayers for you all this Holy Week, that it may be a week of profound encounter with Christ, and God’s heart revealed to you.

-Fr. Kevin