St. Mark House Purchase

September 13, 2019

Dear St. Mark Parishioners,

In late summer, we traditionally take time to consider the financial condition of the parish. Since the fiscal year closes on June 30, we are able to review our income compared to our expenses for the prior year. I am happy to report that your faithful stewardship has helped the parish meet all expenses and complete several long-term projects. We installed new energy-efficient doors in the religious education building, funded completely by your donations. Significant repairs were made to sidewalks around the church last summer. The Women’s Group provided funding to update the office kitchen. The Women’s Group also partnered with the Knights of Columbus to replace the cooler in the parish kitchen.

Even with these added special projects, your regular giving has stayed steady and met the budgeted amount we set last year. You may remember that this has not always been the case in years past. Thank you for your commitment to our faith community at St. Mark! I pray that you continue in this stewardship as we take on a new opportunity that will require your financial support.

The house located to the west of the church building, at the entrance to our parking lot, was recently listed for sale. The finance and pastoral councils met to discuss purchasing the house, as the family wanted to give the church the first chance to buy the property. Knowing that this opportunity probably wouldn’t come up again, the councils recommended purchasing the property. The Archdiocese approved the purchase, and we closed the purchase this week. I’d like to share with you a few of the details.

How will we finance this?

The purchase price was $60,000. The parish has some funds in savings (again, as a result of your faithful stewardship). We do not want to deplete our savings, though, and we are asking for your support with a 2-year pledge. We are confident that we can replenish our savings, and pay back any loan that might be necessary, with your support. Please see the enclosed pledge card.

What do we plan to do with the property?

No decision has been made yet. We knew we had to move quickly on the purchase to ensure that we gain control of the property. This will also help the family living there make their difficult transition sooner rather than later. The pastoral and finance councils will be weighing the best use of the property, considering all factors. Possible uses include:

  • Keep as a rental income property.
  • Use the space for outreach.
  • Use the space for the mission of serving the poor (i.e. low-income housing, emergency housing, etc.)
  • Remove the house and improve our parking lot.

It is too soon to say which of these options, or others, will best fit with our parish goals. We welcome all to participate in the discussion as we discern the best use for the property.

Once again, thank you for your faithful stewardship and support of the St. Mark faith community.


Fr. Kevin Earleywine