St. Patrick Silent Auction

The St. Patrick Auction and KC 50/50 Raffle will be held during the Knights of Columbus Friday night Fish Fry Suppers during Lent. Please bring new items to be bid on to the church no later than February 21.

Items may be brought to the church during business hours of 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, or at Mass times of Tuesday 8:30 AM and Saturday 4:00 PM. Please have listed on the item a starting bid amount suggestion and donor name.

There will also be a pie or baked dessert weekly for bidding and take home that night. If you are interested in supplying such items, please contact the parish office or one of the Stewardship members listed below. These items
will need to be to the church by 4:45 PM the nights of the suppers.

This year the bidding will be closed on Thursday, April 2. The items will be paid for and picked up at the last Fish Fry, April 3.

Any questions please contact Maggie Pearson, Margarita Rincon, Sherry Peterson, Janeth Morteo, Sue Rowen or Donna Speedy.  If you would like to make a monetary donation, please indicate on the envelope/check Silent Auction and your name – if you chose.

We thank you for your generosity and support of this event!