Jan. 19, 2025 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This week has been declared by the Catholic Church to be the official “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.”  This is always held the week from Jan. 18-Jan. 25, as Jan. 25 is when, in the Catholic Church we celebrate the “Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.”

This week of prayer came about from a religious community founded in New York called the “Franciscans of the Atonement,” which was founded with a mission towards focusing on Christian Unity (firstly between Catholic, Episcopalian, and Anglican Churches).  Interestingly this group was founded not by Catholics, but Episcopalians.  However, the Episcopalian Founders, Fr. Paul Wattson and Sr. Lurana White converted to Catholicism in 1909.  But they remained committed to the mission of healing of divisions and working towards unity between Christian denominations.

Interestingly, at the same time, a group of Protestant Churches in the United States began what was known as the “Faith and Order Movement.”  The name “Faith and Order” refers to two areas in which remaining disagreements prevent communion or unity among Christian churches.  The first is “faith” in the sense of what churches believe. Significant disagreements on what churches believe prevent common life among them. Unity requires a certain level of agreement in matters of belief.  The second area is “order” in the sense of how the church ministry is organized as it serves and communicates God’s salvation in Christ. Significant disagreements in this area also prevent communion among churches. Unity requires a certain level of agreement in matters of “order.”   Thus through theological studies and dialogue this movement sought to bring a greater unity in these areas across Protestant Denominations.

Another similar Protestant Movement, based out of Sweden, called the “Life and Work Movement,” soon connected with the Faith and Order Movement, and together they became the “World Council of Churches.”

This week of Prayer of Christian Unity, founded by the Catholic Friars of the Atonement, and approved and promoted by the Pope, has been joined by this Protestant World Council of Churches.  So every year, during this week of Jan, 18-Jan. 25, we are joined in prayer by hundreds of denominations from all over the world to pray together for Christian Unity.

For Jesus Himself, at the Last Supper prayed, “For all who will believe in me…may they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.
So, in a world that tends to be divided, let us pray for healing for divisions, both within the Church and between churches of various denominations that we can live into what Jesus Himself prayed for us.

Perhaps consider reaching out to your Protestant friend or relative this week and pray with them for this cause of Christian Unity.


-Fr. Kevin