Why go to Church? Reason #4

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In continuing my column series of “… why do I have to go to Church, when I can just pray on my own?” Why go to Mass? Here is Reason 4) To ponder how to live and love better (both individually an... Read More

Celebrate Fr. Kevin!

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Fr. Kevin marks two special days this month. He celebrates the 4th anniversary of his ordination (May 27) and his 31st birthday (May 29). Please pray for Fr. Kevin and our linkage as he shepherds us i... Read More

Totus Tuus 2021

WHAT IS TOTUS TUUS? The Totus Tuus parish summer catechetical program, a week-long “parish mission” for Catholic youth in Grades 1-12, is dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the ... Read More

Priest Obituaries

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To find priest obituaries, go to this page on the Archdiocese of Dubuque website: www.dbqarch.org/priest-obituaries. Each obituary listing has a few introductory sentences (including links to live-str... Read More