In the old Liturgical Calendar (pre-Vatican II), The Feast of Christ the King was celebrated the Sunday before All Saints and All Souls Day (Nov. 1 and 2 respectively), Christ’s Kingship giving us a...Read More
THANK YOU to all who helped prepare and package 744 midwife kits at St. Mary, Eldora, last Sunday. It was a huge success and all help was greatly appreciated. A special thank you to Mary Nederhoff f...Read More
…Nine days until election day… which has got me thinking about the number “nine”… …In Christianity there is an ancient prayer tradition of the Church called, “Novenas,” that involves p...Read More
In the Catholic Church, while May is commonly known as “the Month of Mary,” the month of October is known as the “the Month of the Holy Rosary.” (Hence why at most of our parishes we have been...Read More
Join us Mondays starting November 9, at 6:30 PM. In-person at the St. Mark Parish Hall or by Live Stream or Facebook Live. There will be seven sessions. Find all of the details here: Book of Revelati...Read More
We now have ONLINE GIVING available for each of our four parishes! You can give by bank transfer or credit/debit card, and you can change or add donations at any time. Select your parish from the butt...Read More
October is just on the horizon and with October comes our annual turkey dinner at St. Mary, Ackley. It will be on Sunday, October 18 starting at 3:00 PM. Meals will be available by carry-out only this...Read More
Frequently at the end of Mass (whether English weekend Masses or daily Mass), we have been singing the hymn, “To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King.” The words of the first verse being: To Jesus Chr...Read More