We trust in the Lord that he hears our prayers. If you have a request for the prayer chain, please notify Julie Gray, Deacon Rob or the office. Julie will forward all requests to Seton Circle members....Read More
Interested in knowing more about how the Church plans and celebrates special days throughout the year? Join the St. Mark youth to learn about the Church’s Liturgical Calendar on Wednesday, November ...Read More
Fr. Kevin’s Revelation Bible Study has started! If you missed the first session, you can watch it on our Live Stream Page. Materials from the session: Session 1 Powerpoint – What is (NOT) ...Read More
Congratulations to St. Mary Ackley parishioners Jeffrey Pfaltzgraff, Eli Brandt, Tessa Sperfslage, BriandaGonzalez, Yatziry Gonzalez, and Mady Mausser; and to St. Patrick parishioners Emma Flores, Pai...Read More
In the Lutheran and other Protestant denominations, October 31, the Eve of All Saints Day, is known as “Reformation Day,” as this was the day Martin Luther hung his famous “95 Theses.” The mai...Read More
You can now set up some or all of your giving by credit card or bank account on your parish’s portal by clicking on your parish below. Your regular giving can be set up as a recurring donation̷...Read More
Please keep the youth at St. Mary and St. Patrick who are preparing for Confirmation in your prayers. Our hope is that Confirmation strengthens them to be true followers of Jesus, living out the Good ...Read More
In the old Liturgical Calendar (pre-Vatican II), The Feast of Christ the King was celebrated the Sunday before All Saints and All Souls Day (Nov. 1 and 2 respectively), Christ’s Kingship giving us a...Read More