The assembly of the Midwife Kits at St. Mary, Eldora has been postponed. Please keep the families and workers who use these kits in your prayers. We hope to assemble the kits when it is safe for us to...Read More
Dispensation from abstaining from meat The Catholic faithful in the Archdiocese of Dubuque are dispensed from the obligation to abstain from meat on Friday, 27 March 2020 and on Friday, 3 April 2020. ...Read More
I give four practical tips about “going to Church this weekend” 1) Create an intentional prayer space 2) Reflect on Scripture Readings 3) Think about what you want to OFFER to God 4) Make ...Read More
Click on the titles below for a Weekend Worship Aid in both English and Spanish. Included are readings for Mass, prayer, reflection questions, and prayer of spiritual communion. English Weekend Home W...Read More
Si necesita el español para entender, la única manera que le puede poner subtitulos es si lo ve en una computadora. 1ro: Dele click donde esta el boton CC, en la parte derecha de abajo. 2do: Del...Read More
March 19, 2020 Fr. Kevin’s first video of a series as we go through this time of “social distancing” during the coronavirus pandemic. We can’t gather physically but are still c...Read More
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph. A Prayer you can pray today is the Litany of St. Joseph. (click to read) A Song you can listen to is Joseph’s Lullaby by MercyMe. This is a beautiful ...Read More