Please still take some time for prayer, especially in prayerfully reading our scripture readings. You may use the following as a prayer format to do at home with your family: Recite the following toge...Read More
Open to any youth or adult (anytime after completing FirstCommunion) new to altar serving or desiring a refresher. Father Kevin will lead our training. Please let Sr. Connie or Rachel Mosher know if p...Read More
The Behold Your Child ministry helps parish ministers provide hope and healing for parents and families who have experienced a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis, miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant deat...Read More
Beauty in Christ: Fearless. Faithful. On Fire! Featuring speakers Hallie Lord and Kate Prejean! Invite friends and family! REGISTER NOW: January 6th deadline for a $10.00 discount. For more informat...Read More
Parish Community Life will host a Wine & Cheese gathering after 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday, January 4. Please bring a snack to share. We welcome everyone to join us as Archbishop Jackels will be cel...Read More
A book study will begin on Sunday, January 5, in the St. Mary (Eldora) office gathering room at 6:00 PM. The book is Into His Likeness by Edward Sri. The subtitle is: Be Transformed as a Disciple of C...Read More
There will be a First Saturday Holy Hour at St. Mary, Eldora, on January 4 at 9:00 AM. Plan to attend this opportunity to focus on the Holy Eucharist....Read More