St. Mark – July 6 It’s time for spring cleaning again and St. Mark’s wants your old stuff! We are currently accepting your clean, used items for our rummage sale. Items may be brough...Read More
St. Patrick Parish Community Life invites all to a Wine & Cheese social following 6:30 PM Mass on Saturday, June 1. Bring an appetizer to share; beverages will be provided. We look forward to this...Read More
St. Mary Youth Group will hold an NCYC Fundraiser Breakfast after 8:00 AM Mass, with all free-will donations going to our November NCYC trip!...Read More
Our pastor, Fr. Kevin Earleywine, marks two special days this month: on May 27, he celebrates the second anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood and on May 29, he turns 29 years old. Please pr...Read More
A message from Fr. Jon Seda, chaplain of St. Stephen the Witness at UNI: Thank you for your support of our Catholic campus ministry! We could not provide this for our students without strong support f...Read More
Congratulations to the following newly elected members of the Pastoral Councils and Faith Formation Commissions. Pastoral Council St. Patrick: Jacob Brancaleon St. Mary, Ackley: Jeff Frazier, Jeff K...Read More
The Franklin-Hardin Linkage Catholic Cup 4-Person Best Shot Golf Tournament will be held at Pine Lake Country Club on Sunday, June 30, at 1:00 PM. Please call the Golf Course to reserve your spot AND ...Read More
The relic of the incorrupt heart of St. John Vianney has been on display in several places in the U.S. and will be at Immaculate Conception Parish in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, June 2. There are devotion...Read More
Parishioners recently received text messages from a person pretending to be Fr. Kevin. The messages requested that eBay gift cards be purchased for a cancer patient and then the parishioner would be r...Read More
Thank you to all the grandparents who attended our first The Grand Adventure: A New Call to Grandparenting! We appreciated you taking the time out of your busy schedules to share together all the joys...Read More