All St. Mark SCRIP sales during the month of April go to help our NCYC participants reach their destination next fall. Plan ahead for graduation and wedding gifts or summer vacations this month. The y...Read More
April 18: Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 7:00 PM St. Patrick, Hampton April 19: Good Friday Service 3:00 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 7:00 PM St. Mary, Eldora 7:00 PM ...Read More
Governor Reynolds has issued disaster declarations for 14 of the 30 in the Archdiocese of Dubuque, including Franklin, Hardin & Tama counties, making individual assistance grants and disaster cas...Read More
Mary’s Meals provides children with a daily meal in school in places where hunger is an obstacle to gaining an education. Our speaker, Ellen Miller, has traveled to Africa to help with this caus...Read More
Please join us for a Communal Reconciliation Service: Saturday, March 23 at 10:30 AM St. Mark in Iowa Falls Brunch will be served following the service....Read More