The First Friday of each month is traditionally a day for devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion popularized by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Starting in September on the First Friday of ea...Read More
We ask that you keep our missionaries (Abby, Ben, Gabrielle, and Stephen), Fr. Kevin, our Faith Formation Leaders, volunteers, and participants in your prayers as they finalize planning and begin Tot...Read More
St. Patrick, Hampton: Mark your calendars to celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi on Saturday, June 22, at 6:30 PM Mass at St. Patrick in Hampton. Following Mass, all are encouraged to join the proce...Read More
Discovering a Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit Beginning on June 3, all are welcome to participate in a special video series following Monday daily Masses at St. Mark – around 6:30 PM. W...Read More
What happens when two Lutherans, a Catholic, and a Calvinist study Scripture together? In the case of our weekly text study, fruitful and thoughtful conversation about God, the call of Christian disci...Read More
Our pastor, Fr. Kevin Earleywine, marks two special days this month: on May 27, he celebrates the second anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood and on May 29, he turns 29 years old. Please pr...Read More
With joy and gratitude to Almighty God, you are cordially invited to join Father Michael McAndrew, his family, friends, and the greater community in a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, May 26, 20...Read More