It’s been a different kind of year. So let’s have a different kind of Advent. Join us for these Advent events…as we wait in hope, supported by grace and rooted in joy. Live stream Ma...Read More
Pull up a chair to the virtual fireplace and join Archbishop Jackels for a family-friendly evening with warm conversation, entertainment, and good cheer. Archbishop will be hosting a first-ever virtua...Read More
We’ve added two additional daily Masses to our schedule! Monday: 8:30 AM St. Mary (Ackley) 5:30 PM St. Mark (Iowa Falls) Tuesday: 8:30 AM St. Patrick (Hampton) Wednesday: 8:30 AM St....Read More
We trust in the Lord that he hears our prayers. If you have a request for the prayer chain, please notify Julie Gray, Deacon Rob or the office. Julie will forward all requests to Seton Circle members....Read More
Please keep the youth at St. Mary and St. Patrick who are preparing for Confirmation in your prayers. Our hope is that Confirmation strengthens them to be true followers of Jesus, living out the Good ...Read More
…Nine days until election day… which has got me thinking about the number “nine”… …In Christianity there is an ancient prayer tradition of the Church called, “Novenas,” that involves p...Read More
In the Catholic Church, while May is commonly known as “the Month of Mary,” the month of October is known as the “the Month of the Holy Rosary.” (Hence why at most of our parishes we have been...Read More
We are looking for individuals to be prayer partners for all our young people preparing to receive sacraments at St. Mark in the next year. If interested please contact Brenda Strayer....Read More
Beginning Tuesday, September 22, at 2:00 PM, Deacon Rob will lead a Rosary Prayer Service. This is open to anyone and it will run for approximately one hour. Our Blessed Mother Mary continuously asks ...Read More