With joy and gratitude to Almighty God, you are cordially invited to join Father Michael McAndrew, his family, friends, and the greater community in a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, May 26, 20...Read More
Join us for the celebration of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth! The May crowning will take place in each parish during Masses on the weekend of May 11-12. ...Read More
Beginning May 4, and continuing every Saturday in the month of May, we will say the rosary before Mass at 6:00 P.M at St. Patrick in Hampton. Please bring your families and join us! If you or your fam...Read More
St. Patrick’s Knights of Columbus is sponsoring the movie Unplanned to be shown at the Windsor Theatre, 103 N Federal Street in Hampton, from Friday, May 3, through Thursday, May 9. Click here...Read More
2019 Cleanup Activities for Saturday, April 27 9:00 AM to Noon: Bring any tools you have to help out. Raking– North side of Parish Center Along South Driveway and Parking North side along parkin...Read More
All St. Mark SCRIP sales during the month of April go to help our NCYC participants reach their destination next fall. Plan ahead for graduation and wedding gifts or summer vacations this month. The y...Read More
April 18: Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 7:00 PM St. Patrick, Hampton April 19: Good Friday Service 3:00 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 7:00 PM St. Mary, Eldora 7:00 PM ...Read More