Sept. 23 is the Feast Day of St. Padre Pio. Thus, I wanted to share a little bit about him. When we read about Saints and their lives, there are often miraculous stories associated with them. B...Read More
Sept. 10 – Our Lady of Sorrows Sept. 15 is another day that we celebrate Mary; but we commemorate her as “Our Lady of Sorrows,” meditating on the connection of her own suffering to that of Chris...Read More
Knights of Columbus tailgate fundraiser The Knights of Columbus of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Hampton, will hold a tailgate fundraiser meal on Friday, September 15before the Hampton-Dumont-CAL Homec...Read More
Bishop Pates’ video interview of Archbishop-elect Zinkula: watch here Check out a special issue of Together featuring the press conference remarks of Archbishop-elect Zinkula as well as an int...Read More
While St. Thomas Aquinas is known for his rigorous academic work and study in philosophy and theology, it is not as commonly known that he was also a writer of hymns and poetry. In fact, he wrote five...Read More
St. Patrick’s Day Dispensation Those of us who are 14 years of age and older are obliged by Church law to practice the penance of abstaining from eating meat on the Fridays of Lent. This traditi...Read More