St. Mary, Eldora – Ash Wednesday Service and all activities are canceled, and office will be closed (Feb. 22) St. Mark, Iowa Falls – Ash Wednesday Mass and all activities for Feb. 22 are c...Read More
The Octave of Christmas!Just a brief word today to say, “Merry Christmas!” May the wonder and beauty of the Mystery of Christmas shine ever more brightly, and be instilled ever more deeply in your...Read More
St. Patrick’s, Hampton – No morning Mass or Adoration Thursday December 22 St. Mary’s, Eldora – No World & Communion service Thursday December 22...Read More
Here are the Mass Times for our parishes for Christmas 2022 Saturday, December 24 4:00 PM – St. Mary, Ackley 4:00 PM – St. Mark, Iowa Falls 6:30 PM – St. Patrick, Hampton 6:30 PM ...Read More
I was recently asked about “tithing.” What is it and why and how do we do it? The idea of “Tithing” comes from the Old Testament, where the people of Israel were to give a tenth of everything ...Read More
As you have probably heard, Pope Francis has launched this initiative on “Synodality.” Essentially, “Synodality” is a process of the Pope and Bishops reflecting on how to better and listen to ...Read More
First of all, a reminder about Masses of All Saints Day, which is a Holy Day of Obligation: Mon. Oct. 31 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Ackley Tues. Nov. 1 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Hampton Also, ...Read More