The St. Mark Scrip program has been up and running for nine years. In those nine years, the program has brought in over $45,000! Scrip income over the last three years: 2019 = $6,476.00 2018 = $6,364....Read More
Do you know any college-age men and women from your parish who would be great role models to younger Catholics? The Archdiocese is looking for college-aged disciples of Jesus to serve on teams with ot...Read More
You are invited to join the St. Mark RE students and their families for Communal Reconciliation in the church Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 PM....Read More
January 19, 2020 This week, January 22, is the anniversary of the famous court case “Roe v. Wade” which legalized abortion on a federal level across the country. This Friday, January 24, will be t...Read More
Please still take some time for prayer, especially in prayerfully reading our scripture readings. You may use the following as a prayer format to do at home with your family: Recite the following toge...Read More
The Behold Your Child ministry helps parish ministers provide hope and healing for parents and families who have experienced a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis, miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant deat...Read More
Beauty in Christ: Fearless. Faithful. On Fire! Featuring speakers Hallie Lord and Kate Prejean! Invite friends and family! REGISTER NOW: January 6th deadline for a $10.00 discount. For more informat...Read More
Adam is the son of Barb Weig and brother of Angie Cook, who are members at St. Mary in Eldora. Early Thanksgiving morning Adam had a cardiac event and is currently in the ICU in Iowa City. There will ...Read More