The relic of the incorrupt heart of St. John Vianney has been on display in several places in the U.S. and will be at Immaculate Conception Parish in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, June 2. There are devotion...Read More
Parishioners recently received text messages from a person pretending to be Fr. Kevin. The messages requested that eBay gift cards be purchased for a cancer patient and then the parishioner would be r...Read More
Thank you to all the grandparents who attended our first The Grand Adventure: A New Call to Grandparenting! We appreciated you taking the time out of your busy schedules to share together all the joys...Read More
Elections for Pastoral Council and Faith Formation Commission will be held at all Masses on the weekend of May 18-19. Read more about the candidates here. What does the Pastoral Council do? The...Read More
Looking for ways to simplify your busy summer schedule? Sign up now for Electronic Funds Transfer. It’s a secure and easy way to tithe to your parish, without writing a check. Your automatic payment...Read More
With joy and gratitude to Almighty God, you are cordially invited to join Father Michael McAndrew, his family, friends, and the greater community in a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, May 26, 20...Read More
Join us for the celebration of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth! The May crowning will take place in each parish during Masses on the weekend of May 11-12. ...Read More
Beginning May 4, and continuing every Saturday in the month of May, we will say the rosary before Mass at 6:00 P.M at St. Patrick in Hampton. Please bring your families and join us! If you or your fam...Read More
St. Patrick’s Knights of Columbus is sponsoring the movie Unplanned to be shown at the Windsor Theatre, 103 N Federal Street in Hampton, from Friday, May 3, through Thursday, May 9. Click here...Read More
May 4 – September 1, 2019 Saturday 4:00 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 6:30 PM St. Patrick, Hampton (Bilingual) Sunday 8:00 AM St. Mary, Eldora 10:30 AM St. Mary, Ackley Linkage Schedule May ...Read More