Fr. Kevin and parish staff members will be attending the archdiocesan pastoral leadership study day in Cedar Falls. If you need to reach a priest in the case of an emergency, call the St. Mark office ...Read More
On September 25, youth and adults gathered for the 2nd Annual True Beauty True Strength, held at St. Mary, Eldora. Our purpose is to reflect on being made in God’s image and focus ourselve...Read More
Family Faith Formation families invite the entire parish to help with their indoor parish fall cleanup on Saturday, October 19. Something for everyone to do including moms, dads, and kids. We will be ...Read More
Hardin County Life Chain Sunday, October 6 2:30 – 3:30 PM Eldora Courthouse Sidewalk Join us as we quietly share the message of the sanctity of life in the womb by holding a pro-life poster. All...Read More
Join us for an hour of prayer on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at St. Mary, Eldora. Prayer will include Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary, and some other Marian Prayers....Read More
God’s blessings on those confirmed this weekend in Eldora. May the Holy Spirit dwell in their hearts always and keep them strong in the faith. Thomas Barnett Avery Buresh Brayton Diedrich Cody Hicke...Read More
The St. Mary (Eldora) Youth and Stewardship Committee would like to thank EVERYONE who helped with the pancake breakfast last Sunday. From the prep work, cooking, serving, to cleaning up, we couldn’...Read More
Holy Land Catholics are known worldwide for their olive wood carvings. Generation after generation, families have taught their children to carve religious figures from olive wood by hand. For two cent...Read More