Originally, it didn’t seem necessary to make a statement about the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) vaccine; any message would be essentially the same as what was said in December 2020 regarding the ot...Read More
The scammers are at it again – we’ve had parishioners who received text messages from a person pretending to be Fr. Kevin. The messages requested that iTunes or eBay or other types of gift...Read More
If you would like to make a donation toward Easter altar flowers, please make a check payable to your parish or pay online. A minimum offering of $10 is suggested. Complete this form and turn it into ...Read More
Join Deacon Rob on Saturday, March 13, 2021, for a Virtual Retreat as part of the Archdiocesian Men’s Conference. Guest speaker is renowned Catholic speaker/author Patrick Madrid. We will gather i...Read More
The St. Patrick Knights of Columbus will be having fish fry meals available for pickup during the following Fridays in Lent: Feb. 19 and 26; March 5, 12, 19, and 26. Serving time is 5:00 to 7:00 PM or...Read More
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 6:30 PM St. Mary, Eldora 6:30 PM St. Mark, Iowa Falls 6:30 PM St. Patrick, Hampton (bilingual) 7:00 PM St. Mary, Ackley...Read More
Fr. Kevin will be offering a short, four-week Bible study at 6:30 PM on Mondays in March, both in-person and live-streamed. As the world seems ever more in chaos, it is important to go “back to th...Read More
Please help the St. Patrick Faith Formation students gather items for bags they will put together and have delivered to our local care center residents. Suggested items: Lotions – unopened Body ...Read More