Dec. 1, 2024 – “Disciple-Maker Index” Survey for ADVENT!

You may have seen in the bulletin a couple of weeks ago, a letter from me about a “Disciple-Maker Index Survey” that is coming out.  Why?  Our Archbishop (whom you may recall, just became Archbishop of Dubuque one year ago), in a spirit of synodality, wants to really “listen” to his people of the Archdiocese, and empower his pastors to do so as well.  It’s to give you all a voice so together we can make more informed decisions, not just for the immediate future, but for a strategic long-term plan.

Is this survey about closing parishes?  No! Archbishop Zinkula told us priests the “goal” of this survey is not to close parishes.  Rather it’s to ask the question how to we continue to foster, support, and create vibrant and mission-focused communities, while being good stewards of our resources.  He said he hopes with this data to formulate a “5-year plan, a 10-year plan, and a 30-year plan.”  So he said, there is no “pre-set” plan.

What about the “Synod Survey” we did a few years ago?  Archbishop Zinkula has told us that this is meant to “build” upon the information from the synod survey we did a few years ago.  This particular survey really focuses on what do you as a parishioner truly value?  What do you look for in a parish community?  What are the most important priorities for you in a parish community?  Then, it’s in hearing this that can help the Archdiocese make more informed decisions about how to best support and foster healthy vibrant parishes.

What else is the Archdiocese doing as part of this plan?  The Archbishop is collecting data on three levels.  In addition to this survey for you all, there is also a special survey for priests.  And, in a spirit of good stewardship, the Archdiocese is also doing a analysis of how can the Archdiocesan Offices might be re-organized to more effectively support parishes.

All of this is in the spirit of trying to discern better as a Church, to foster all parishioners to be intentional disciples, and all parishes to be healthy Christ-centered, mission-focused communities.

So, I as your pastor strongly urge you to please fill out this survey!  It is not only for the Archdiocese to make a plan, but it is also to help the pastor on the local level better listen to you, so we as a parish can also make a strategic vision for ourselves as a parish community!  We want to hear from all of you!  So please fill it out!  And strongly encourage others to do so as well!  We want to hear form all members of our parish!

This survey will officially be “open” on Dec. 5 and will run through Jan. 9. Make it AN ADVENT GOAL (before Christmas!) to fill out a survey, whether a paper survey or digitally online!  Let’s get EVERY parishioner to fill one out!  We want to hear your voice! 


-Fr. Kevin