March 16 – Lectio Divina – How to Pray with Scripture

Last week I offered a number of Scripture passages to “pray with” over Lent as we “journey” to these different “Mountains of prayer.”  But how does one pray with Scripture? In our Catholic Tradition, we are a given a helpful method in praying with Scripture referred to as “Lectio Divina,” (“Divine Reading”). There are four basic steps in Lectio Divina: Read, Reflect, Pray, and Rest/Receive.

1)Reading (“Lectio”): Read passage slowly three times.  Allow the words and verses to capture your attention.  In this way, you begin to listen as God speaks to your heart.

2) Reflecting (“Meditatio”): Pay attention to the words, phrases, images, figures, in the passage that seem to be grabbing your attention.  Reflect how the words you are reading relate to your life today.  In an effort to understand their meaning, you ponder and “chew on” them, seeking to acquire the mind of Christ and learning what he wants to reveal to you.  For some who are more visual, this step may involve imagining the scene in vivid detail, reflecting on what you see, what you hear, and to whom you are drawn to in the passage.

3) Praying (“Oratio”): Enter into active dialogue with the Lord, having a conversation with the Lord about what you’re experiencing in the Scripture passage.  You allow the grace of the words to move you towards prayer.  Ask Jesus for all the help and graces you need to respond to your reading and reflection.  Pray from your heart and respond to what Jesus has spoken to you in the words of Scripture.

4) Resting (“Contemplatio”): You move into that quiet listening to the Lord, resting in the Lord and receiving from the Lord.  Your attention is fixed on God and what He wants to tell you, and show you.  You commune with God further and rest in His love and presence so that the very core of your being is stilled.  Your attention is entirely centered on your God.  You allow the transformation process that the Word has stirred up to encourage, refresh, and strengthen you for a new level of beginning.

The last question would be: What Scripture passage do I pray with? There are some good options to choose from.  I would encourage one of the following four options to help you decide which passages to pray with: 1) The Sunday Readings or 2) The Daily Mass Reading or 3) the Scriptures passages I offered in last week’s column connected to the “Mountains of Prayer.”  4) “The Bible in a Year” with Fr. Mike Schmitz & Jeff Cavins, lay out a plan to read the entire Bible in a year.  If you are following this, you might pray with those readings.

God’s blessings on you all this Lenten Season!


-Fr. Kevin