May 26, 2024 – A “Parade” with Jesus on Sun June 2?


I wrote the following for the Hampton Chronicle Newspaper, about our upcoming Eucharistic Procession.

On Sun. June 2, between 6:30pm and 7:00pm, you may see an interesting sort of “parade.”  A parade with and for Jesus.  What we call a “Eucharistic Procession,” is a prayer procession with the consecrated communion bread that we Catholics call “the Eucharist.”

On Sun. June 2 the Catholic Church Celebrates “Corpus Christi” Sunday, that is the Sunday of “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.” Two months after Holy Thursday, as we come to the end of the Easter Season, we Catholics celebrate in a particular way the “Eucharistic Mystery.”

“What is the Eucharistic Mystery, you ask?”  We Catholics believe that when we pray over the bread and wine at Mass, that we use for communion, it truly becomes the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.  Our Lord Jesus Christ present with us in a real, true, and physical way!  The bread and wine are not just symbols of His Body and Blood, but really Him.  As Jesus says in John 6, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world…My flesh is true food, and my blood true drink.” (cf. John 6:51, 55).  And our communion is not merely a symbolic communion, but a profoundly intimate communion with Christ Himself, that incorporates us into His Mystical Body, that is, the Church (both the Church on earth and in heaven).

One way we celebrate this Eucharistic Mystery is with a “Eucharistic Procession.”  On Sunday June 2, beginning approximately 6:30pm at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, we will have a Prayer Procession carrying the Eucharist (the consecrated bread, or “host” that we believe is no longer mere bread, but is the Jesus’ Real Physical Presence, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity”).  There will be candles and prayer and singing as part of the procession.  We will process down 1st St. NW to arrive at Bandshell Park around 7pm.

Our prayers will reflect on the Eucharistic Mystery, but also will be a commending of our community (Hampton and Franklin County) to Christ, asking Christ’s blessing, grace, and mercy upon us and all our community.

So feel free to join us!  While many Christian traditions do not share with Catholic Christians the same view on communion, whatever tradition you come from, you are welcome to come and pray with us for your neighbors, your community, and commend them to Jesus Christ (whom this “parade” is all for and about), who is the Bread of Life given for the life of the world.

Whether you want to walk in the procession with us (or drive in a car at the back of the procession), whether you want to meet us at bandshell park, or whether you want to stand along the roadside of 1st Ave. NW and watch and pray as we process by, you’re welcome!


-Fr. Kevin