Greetings to Past and Present Faith Community of St. Patrick Parish,
As some of you may know St. Patrick’s Catholic Church has gone through recent changes. Mass will now be offered as a bilingual celebration in a rotating schedule with the other 3 parishes in our linkage. The change was made due to a need to combine two faith communities into one. This has taken much thought, discussion, and prayer to come to this decision. Starting May 4, St. Patrick’s will be offering Mass at 6:30 pm for this rotation.
With changes also comes adjustments. Although this may not be the decision of choice for some, we have to remember we are one family in the eyes of Christ, and Fr. Kevin Earleywine has four parishes to minister to. Our missalettes are bilingual making it helpful to follow along.
Try looking at this as everyone is a piece of the big picture. The common denominator is our Catholic faith. If it has been a while since you have attended mass for various reasons, please consider coming back, we would love to have you join us. Our parish family needs all of us to remain a strong, viable and vibrant church. You can help make that happen.
Each one of us has God-given gifts that can be shared among our faith family. Going to Mass isn’t just coming to church and fulfilling a weekly obligation. It’s not an expectation of being entertained. It is coming together as a family, sharing a faith foundation, presenting our needs and gifts at God’s table – the altar. It is receiving His body and blood through the Eucharist, and it is hearing His words through the scriptures and homilies. We as a community can support one another, pray together, and continue to spread the living message of Christ. Do not be afraid to walk through the doors again, you are most welcome.
Please take some time to realize how important you are to St. Patrick’s. We hope to see you so we can pray together and continue to be one in Christ.
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office (Mon -Thurs. 9:00 – 3:30, or call 641-456-4857), or contact a member of the Stewardship Committee listed below.
Thank you for your time in reading this and your considerations!
The Stewardship Committee of St. Patrick’s,
Sue Rowen
Maggie Pearson
Sherry Peterson
Donna Speedy