Almsgiving to Haiti – Focus of the 2022 Lenten Season

“Almsgiving to Haiti” Focus of the 2022 Lenten Season

For 2022, the Churches of Franklin and Hardin County “Rice Bowl” and Lenten proceeds were split between the Diocese of Ft. Liberte, Haiti, former home of our own Fr. Frantz Augustin and Craft Change Haiti, a sewing enterprise that provides education, employment, and economic freedom to women.  The Diocese of Fort Liberte received $5,575.49, with an additional $1,000.00 being donated from the St. Mary Eldora “Matthew Mission Fund”, with Craft Change Haiti receiving $5,575.49 in donations. The checks were delivered by Fr. Frantz on his visit to Haiti in May.

We are also happy to report St. Mark Youth in Religious Education pulled together over $1,656.00 from their 2022 Lenten Rice Bowl collections.  These funds were given to “Mary’s Meals” locations in Haiti, enough to feed 81 children in Haiti for an entire school year!  Well done Franklin and Hardin Catholics!

Below are the letters of gratitude we received from the Bishop of Ft. Liberte and Traci Tsai and Fr. Frantz Augustin, Executive Directors of Craft Change Haiti. Enjoy!