On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we keep in mind the holy men that keep our linkage spiritually fed. Lord God, most holy, we approach you in gratitude for your holy ordained priesthood. You...Read More
The youth of St. Mary, Ackley, and St. Patrick, Hampton are selling flower baskets again! The baskets are $21 and will be delivered the week of May 10. You may fill out the order form at the back of e...Read More
Fr. Frantz was ordained to the priesthood on April 20, 2013. We pray for God’s blessing on him and thank him for his ministry to our parishes. Cards and well-wishes can be sent to him at 415 Mai...Read More
Let us pray for our catechumens and candidates: God of the Samaritan Women, the Man Born Blind, and Lazarus, You show yourself in many ways. Most often in ways we cannot see until we look with eyes of...Read More
Didn’t you hope we’d sing Alleluia this Easter, inspired by the end of the pandemic? I did, but that hope was left bruised and bloodied, like the Huskers facing the Hawkeyes. The pandemic has perh...Read More
Cancellations for Sunday, March 15 St. Mary, Ackley – 8:30 AM Mass is cancelled for March 15. St. Mark, Iowa Falls – events will take place as scheduled: 5:00 PM Stations, 5:30 PM Mass, an...Read More
Originally, it didn’t seem necessary to make a statement about the Johnson and Johnson (Janssen) vaccine; any message would be essentially the same as what was said in December 2020 regarding the ot...Read More
The scammers are at it again – we’ve had parishioners who received text messages from a person pretending to be Fr. Kevin. The messages requested that iTunes or eBay or other types of gift...Read More
If you would like to make a donation toward Easter altar flowers, please make a check payable to your parish or pay online. A minimum offering of $10 is suggested. Complete this form and turn it into ...Read More